You only pay the cost of the permit plus our modest fee.
Permit costs can vary and so we can only give estimates. We try our best to let you know what your costs will be ahead of time but the city’s fee we pay on your behalf is subject to change based on extra days taken, extra space or parking meters. Our fees will not change. By default we post 40ft of parking space (2 spaces) in most cities and aim for the hours of 7AM-5PM unless you tell us otherwise. In other words we try to go the path of least resistance with each city as permits can be declined or denied by the city. In metered locations the cities typically charge per meter, per day in addition to the cost of the permit.
For a free site review/estimate or questions email info@easypermits.net
Here are some of our permit estimates:
Alameda, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $34, our fee $160. Total: $194. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less).
City cost breakdown: $15 per space per day $2 per sign. Meters may be additional fees.
Albany, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $64, our fee $160. Total: $224. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: $32 per space per day. Metered spaces may be additional fees.
Albany, NY: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $25, our fee $90. Total: $115. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4-5 days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $25 base fee for up to 3 days.
Albuquerque, NM: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $20, our fee $190. Total: $210. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 Business days.
City cost breakdown: $10 per meter, per day.
Please note the permits in this city are only available in metered locations.
Alexandria, VA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $70, our fee $105. Total: $175. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 days. City cost breakdown: $70 is for non metered areas. Metered areas are $15 per per meter day extra.
80 feet may be possible for double the city fee if there is enough available curb space.
Allentown, PA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $20, our fee $170. Total: $190. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $10 per sign. Parking meters are an additional $4-$20 per day, per meter depending where the meters are located and how much time is taken.
Please note: You must take your signs down once the move is completed.
Ann Arbor, MI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $150, our fee $90. Total: $240. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5-10 business days depending on the time of year. City cost breakdown: City charges per property line. This could give you 30-100 feet in residential areas, and is out of our control. The meter fees range from $20-$40 per meter.
Annapolis, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $70, our fee $110. Total: $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: Generally the city charges $35 per space.
Please note: Parking spaces in Annapolis are 16 feet each. Please let us know if you need more than 2 parking spaces.
Arlington, VA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $109, our fee $120. Total: $229. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days City cost breakdown: $109 base fee covers 44 feet for up to 2 days max. Meters are an additional $15 per space.
The city allows up to 2 days max in Arlington. If it is a metered location we might need the numbers to get the permit.
Asheville, NC: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $44, our fee $120. Total: $164. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: At the moment we only offer this service in the metered parking or loading zone areas downtown. We are happy to look into the areas of town that are not metered or loading zones and see if we can work something out.
Lead time: 6 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $22 per space, per day in both loading zone and metered spaces.
Atlanta, GA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $50, our fee $180. Total: $230 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We offer this service for Pods & moving containers. We can try to get a moving truck permit but no promises as we are unsure if the city will issue permits for moving trucks at this time. We will need a certificate of liability from your moving company before we can get a permit. We also might need the meter numbers in metered locations.
Lead time: 10 Business days. (sometimes less)
City cost: $35 base fee plus $15 per day up to 100 feet of space. Meters are $17 per meter, per day.
Austin, TX: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $55, our fee $180. Total: $235 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 10 Business days (sometimes less).
City cost breakdown: $35 base fee plus around $10 per space, per day. Parking Meters are an additional $32-$80 per meter, per day.
Baltimore, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $65, our fee $165. Total: $230. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: The city has a lead time of 15 Days in advance. Sometimes they have allowed permits in less time but are very strict.
City cost breakdown: The city has a $65 base fee in resident areas. Meters will cost $23-$35 per meter depending on area of the city.
Bayonne, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0, our fee $150. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 days sometimes less. City cost breakdown: Generally it is free. Meters are $5 per meter.
Bellevue, WA: 40Ft Truck, One day. City Cost $328, our fee $100. Barricade fee $85 Total: $513. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 3 weeks as the city is very slow approving permits in Bellevue.
City cost breakdown: The city has a base fee of $328 multiple days and metered locations may cost more.
Belvedere, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $53, our fee $290. Total: $343. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 10 Business days (sometimes less).
City cost breakdown: City base fee of 53 for one day. $105 for 2-7 days
Please note: Any truck over 20 feet in length will require this permit in Belvedere. The process can sometimes be time consuming so we ask for a lot of lead time but sometimes we get them reviewed and completed by the city faster than we expect. There is also a lot of travel time for Belvedere so our fee is higher than normal.
Berkeley, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $90, our fee $160. Total: $250. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Business days. City cost breakdown: Around $90 for the permit with 3 signs. Additional $15.80 per meter.
Please note: The city of Berkeley is closed 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Please take this into mind before ordering.
Requests with 5 business days or less will be an additional $35 more rush order fee.
Bethesda, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $60, our fee $120. Total: $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note this permit is available in metered areas only and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 6-9 business days. City cost breakdown: Generally it is $30 per meter.
Bethlehem, PA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $40, our fee $130. Total: $170. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 Business days (sometimes less) The city can sometimes have a slow response time.
City cost breakdown: $10 per sign, per day (each sign is considered one space). Metered areas are $20 per space, per day.
Beverly Hills, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $21 our fee $155. Total: $176. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Permits are good for one day only. Sometimes the city lets us buy an extra set of signs to get a 2nd day.
Lead time: 4 days. Some commercial areas require 10 days. City cost breakdown: $7 per sign generally 3 signs for 40 feet.
Boston, MA: Call us…
Bloomington, IN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $50 our fee $90 Total: $140. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days. (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city generally charges $25 per space per day.
Brisbane, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $102 our fee $160 Total: $262. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days.
City cost breakdown: $99 plus a $3 credit card fee. This includes the signs. Parking meters or extra days may cost more.
Brunswick, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0 our fee $150 Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Business days. (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city fee is free and includes both the signs and sign verification. Metered areas may include extra fees per each meter taken.
Burbank, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $180 our fee $190. Total: $370. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Credit card only for this city. Also a Certificate of Liability insurance and an Additional Insured Endorsement naming the city as additionally insured is required before we can proceed. Email us for a sample.
Lead time: 5-6 days City cost breakdown: $56 base fee, $1 per sign & $120 police enforcement fee.
Burlingame, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $72 our fee $150. Total: $222. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Business days.
City Cost Breakdown: $52 base fee plus $10 per space, per day. Contact us if it’s a Pod or Container as it is a much higher city fee.
Please note: Pods or containers are only allowed for 3 days max in Burlingame.
Calgary, AB Canada: 40Ft Moving Van, 1-2 days. City Cost $43, our fee $110+ Barricades fee $120 Total: $273 ORDER NOW
Lead time: 10 Business days (Sometimes less). Cost Breakdown: In Calgary we have both a service fee and a barricade fee to post, verify and authorize the placement of the barricades with the city. The city fee is for 2 spaces 40feet. Extra spaces will cost more. Meters are unknown at this time.
Cambridge, MA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $63 our fee $60. Total: $123 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: 2 days max on all permits in Cambridge
Lead time: 7 days City cost breakdown: $60 per 40ft plus a 4% processing fee. Meters are $13 per meter additional.
Cedar Rapids, AI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $161 our fee $170. Total: $331 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 Business days (Sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: There is a $50 removal and install fee per post. Plus a $25 labor fee. Plus $15 per meter, per day. Plus a $3 placard fee per meter post.
Please note: This permit is only available in the metered parking areas in Cedar Rapids, AI. Also might need the meter numbers to get the permit. We believe we can get them for you if you don’t have them but this is not always the case.
Champaign, IL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $20 our fee $50. Total: $70 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We can only get the metered locations reserved in Champaign, IL. We might need the meter numbers to get the permit. Sometimes depending where the permit is located they may require us to apply for an additional type of permit that allows the truck to park there in addition to reserving metered spaces but rarely is this the case.
Lead time: 4 Business days. (Sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $10 per meter, per day. Sometimes the city will require an 2nd permit on top of the reserved parking spaces permit and will cost an additional $70 additional and is good for up to 7 days max.
Charleston, SC: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $107 our fee $195. Total: $409 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Generally we can only do metered parking spaces in Charleston. Only 2 parking spaces max allowed. This is a very time consuming process as the meter bags we pick up from the city have to be returned to the city involving 2 trips making for extra travel time. Permits are only enforceable in metered parking areas. We can post generic signs in the non metered parking spaces with a city permit but its not enforceable.
Lead time: 7 business days.
City cost breakdown: The city has a $18.50 review fee, $18 per space, per day meter fee and a $17.50 daily inspection fee. The meter and inspection fees are counted each day until the day we return the meter bags so sometimes the city will charge us for 2 days. Please keep this in mind before ordering.
Charlotte, NC: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0 our fee $160. Total: $160 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days.
City cost breakdown: The permit is free. But metered areas will be more expensive. The cost for the meters depends on location $15 per meter per day is our estimate.
Please note: that the city does not provide signs in the non metered areas. You may use cones to or trash cans in the street to reserve the space and make sure the paper work is in the truck windshield on move day.
Chattanooga, TN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $30 our fee $140. Total: $170 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days.
Please note: These permits are only available in the metered parking areas in Chattanooga.
City cost breakdown: The city charges $15 per meter, per day.
Chicago, IL: Coming soon…
Cincinnati, OH: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0 our fee $180. Total: $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This city we are in testing phase. We should be able to do it with plenty of lead time but no promises.
PODS or Container permits are not available in Cincinnati as we understand it.
Lead time 10 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city does not charge for the permits and they are free. Metered areas may cost more and is unknown.
Cleveland, OH: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $40 our fee $235. Total: $275 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This is a very time consuming city and will require a Certificate of Liability insurance naming the city as additionally insured before we can proceed. Email us for samples. Also the city asks for 14 days in advance but sometimes they can do the requests sooner if they are not busy we are told. This limitation is beyond our control.
Lead time: 14 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $20 application fee. $10 per sign. Meters are an additional $11 per meter, per day. This fee also applies to PODS or Storage containers.
Columbus, OH: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $45 our fee $165. Total: $210 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This city we are in testing phase. We should be able to do it with plenty of lead time but no promises.
Lead time: 10 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $40 base fee plus $5 for the signs. Meters may vary by location and can be $10-$25 per meter per day.
Culver City, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $83 our fee $150. Total: $233 . ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Culver City requires a Certificate of Liability insurance naming the city as additionally insured before we proceed. Email us for a sample.
Lead time: 5 days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $50 base fee. $8 per space. $16 per space if metered. $5 per sign. plus a 4% surcharge.
Dallas, TX: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $149 our fee $185. Total: $334 . ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: There is a base fee of $55 + $1 per space, plus 70% of meter lost revenue per each meter, per each day which can range from $6 to $22 a meter depending on where in the city they are located. Plus $5 per sign in addition to the meter bags. and a $50 hooding fee.
Please note: Generally we can only do these permits in the metered locations in Dallas and we might need the parking meter numbers you wish to take in order to get the permit. In non metered parking areas the city might allow us to post the no parking signs we buy from them for $5 a sign but they will not be enforceable for towing. There is a lot of travel time involved in Dallas so our fee is a little higher.
Daly City, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $310 our fee $185. Total: $495 . ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This is a very expensive permit and is also very time consuming for us so we need to charge for our time involved. Make sure you are OK with the price before you order. Also please remember to take the signs down once the move is completed as Daly City is strict about signage being left up after the move is completed.
Lead time: 6 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges a $310 flat fee for up to 2 parking spaces permit. Metered areas, extra spaces and days may cost more.
Denver, CO: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost: $50 our fee $50. Total: $100. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We are only offering metered locations in Denver but we might be able to do some resident parking locations depending where it is located. We also will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: The city charges $25 per meter per day.
Des Moines, IA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $31 our fee $120. Total $175 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days.
City cost breakdown: The city charges a base fee of $25 plus $3 per sign meters are $15 per day. Metered areas cost $15 per day, per meter additional.
Easton, PA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost $0 our fee $120. Total $120 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 Business days (sometimes less) The city can be slow responding.
City cost breakdown: The city fee is free however metered areas and some downtown parking spaces may cost additional per space, per day. We will let you know before we proceed if there are any extra fees.
El Cerrito, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day, City Cost: $293 our fee $185. Total. $478 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: The city of El Cerrito is very understaffed at the moment so we are asking for 2-3 weeks in advance in order to get these permits. It also can be a very expensive permit as the city sometimes charges different amounts each time we have applied.
Lead time: 10-16 Business days. (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges a 107 permit issuance fee plus $8 per sign. They also sometimes charge an additional “Storage in the Street“ fee of $170 that includes up to 2 weeks. This “Storage in the street” fee they say they only charge if the moving truck will be in the street more than a few hours. Sometimes they charge us this extra fee and sometimes they do not. It’s beyond our control. We can cut down the hours when we apply if you wish and hope for the best. Metered areas may cost more.
Emeryville, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day City Cost $219 our fee $170 Total $389. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Business days (Sometimes less).
City cost breakdown: Flat fee of $207 plus $4 per sign per day. Parking meters may cost more.
Evanston, IL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $120 our fee $75. Total: $195. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $120 base fee permit. Meters are $15 per meter additional.
Falls Church, VA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0 our fee $90. Total: $90. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city fee is free for moving trucks. With container permits there are additional city fees.
Ferndale, MI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $65 our fee $130. Total: $195. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $15 application fee plus $25 per meter, per day.
Please note these permits are only available in the metered parking areas in Ferndale. We might need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Fort Lee, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $30 our fee $120. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $15 per meter, per day.
Please note these permits are only available in the metered parking areas in Fort Lee, NJ. We will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Fort Wayne, IN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $20 our fee $50. Total: $70. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5-7 Business days
City cost breakdown: Metered areas are $10 per meter, per day. Non metered is $35 for up to a week and will require an extra barricade fee in addition to the city fee and our fee.
Please note: We generally only do this service in metered locations and we need the meter numbers to get the permit. We may be able to get a permit in residential or non metered parking locations. Contact us if it is not metered and we will look into it and let you know.
Fort Worth, TX: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $164 our fee $100. Total: $314. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: Metered areas are $15 per meter, per day plus a $20 application fee plus a $100 Expedite fee.
Please note: We generally only do this service in metered locations and we need the meter numbers to get the permit. We may be able to get a permit in residential or non metered parking locations. Contact us if it is not metered and we will look into it and let you know.
Frederick, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $10 our fee $130. Total $140. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown. $10 for 40Ft of space. Meters range from $20-$40 per meter additional.
Gaithersburg, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $0 our fee $120 Total: $120 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 days. City cost breakdown: Permit is free but Meter fees may very by location.
Glendale, CA: VERY EXPENSIVE 40ft, One Day. City Cost $383, our fee $220. Total: $603 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Credit card only on this city. We will reserve charged amount on the card before we pay the city fee.
Lead time: 5 days. City cost breakdown: The city has a $383 base fee but may sometimes issue a permit for free if the shipper has proof of residence and shows up in person.
Grand Rapids, MI: 40ft Moving Truck, One Day City Cost $50, our fee $120. Total: $170. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note this permit is for metered areas only and we might need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: $10 base fee plus $20 per meter per day.
Hermosa Beach, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $282, our fee $190. Total: $472 ORDER THIS PERMIT
PLEASE NOTE: The city fee is per day. This means a 2 day permit is $564 plus our fee of $185 Total: $749 (2 days price) We will also need to reserve an advance charge on a credit card for all orders in this city.
Lead time: 5 days. Cost breakdown: The city has a fee of $282 per day.
Our fee includes renting, placing, and returning delineators from the city. This is a 2 trip process for an all inclusive service fee.
Hoboken, NJ: We charge a lower fee for moving companies that order with us regularly.
MOVERS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $78, our fee $170. Total: $248. ORDER THIS PERMIT
INDIVIDUALS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $78, our fee $190. Total: $268. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Hoboken tickets and tows during street cleaning days. Also it is important to take the signs down after completing the move as the city is now fining movers for not removing signs. If we are fined our customer will be responsible for the fine.
Lead time: 8 days but the city will allow an unenforceable signs at 2-7 days lead time.
City cost breakdown: 3 signs are $78 per 8 hour period. Also Hoboken allows 3 signs for a 4 hour period for $45.
Houston, TX: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $61, our fee $100. Total: $161. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We can only get permits in metered areas in this city. We also need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 6 business days in advance. City cost breakdown: $17 per space per day plus a base fee of $27. Plus there is a $100 last minute expedite fee for what the city considers a last minute permit.
Huntington Beach, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $37, our fee $150. Total: $187. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: 35 base permit fee plus $1 per sign. Meters may cost more. Pods are a base fee of $67 and our service fee is $165 for containers.
Indianapolis, IN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $209, our fee $120. Total: $329. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 10 business days. (Sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges a $36 use fee, $32 Application fee, $85 review fee and a $56 Amendment fee. Yes we know it’s a lot of fees. Parking meters are an additional $26 per meter, per day.
Please note: The city only blocks of space in the metered parking areas. It is your responsibility to place cones, markers or trash cans in the street to block the space off in non metered areas. If you wish for us to post generic signs contact us and we can make additional arrangements with you.
Inglewood, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $160, our fee $130 Total: $290. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days. (Sometimes less). City cost breakdown. $160 base fee.
Jersey City, NJ: We charge a lower fee for moving companies that order with us regularly.
MOVERS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $45, our fee $155. Total: $200. ORDER THIS PERMIT
INDIVIDUALS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $45, our fee $165. Total: $210. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Jersey city fines for not taking signs down after the completion of the move. If we are fined we will pass on costs.
Lead time: 3 business days sometimes less. City cost breakdown: $15 per sign. generally the city sells us 3.
Knoxville, TN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $25, our fee $145. Total: $170. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4-5 Days
City fee breakdown: The city charges a $25 base fee plus $15 per meter, per day in metered locations.
Please note: The city will hang the signs a day or two before the move.
La Jolla, CA: 40 feet Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0, our fee $140. Total $140 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: They might charge a per meter, per day fee but so far it’s always been free.
Please note: The city typically only allows us to reserve parking space in the meters areas. But we might be able to work something out with them if they allow us to post generic no parking signs but it’s not always an option. Contact us if it’s a non metered area.
Laguna Beach, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $50 our fee $140 Total $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: The city only does the permits in metered parking areas only and we might need the meter numbers in order to get the permit.
Lead time: 5 Business days. Sometimes less.
City cost break down: The city charges $25 per meter per day weekdays and $50 weekends. Plus a sign base fee of $40.
Lansing, MI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $50 our fee $130. Total $180 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: As far as we understand Lansing only has a way to reserve the parking spaces in the metered parking areas at this time. We are happy to research and see if there is a way for us to reserve parking space in non metered locations but no promises.
Lead time: 4 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $10 to $15 per meter, per day plus a $20 base fee. Rush requests are a $40 base fee.
Larkspur, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $105 our fee $190. Total $295 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: The city does not provide the signs in Larkspur. We will provide our own signs in Larkspur to post at the location.
Lead time: 8 Business days. (Sometimes less)
City cost break down: The city charges a $105 base fee. Metered areas may cost more.
Lexington, KY: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $40, our fee $110. Total: $155. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: At the moment we can only reserve the metered locations in Lexington. We might need the meter numbers to get the permit but there is a chance we might be able to get them if you don’t have them.
Lead time: 3 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $20 per meter, per day. There is also a $25 extra fee for late or rushed permits at the city.
Lincoln, NE: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $30, our fee $120. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: At the moment we only offer this service in the metered areas in Lincoln, NE. We are happy to look into a way to reserving space for permits in non metered areas but no promises.
Lead time: 4 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $10 base application fee plus $10 per meter, per day.
Long Beach, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $155, our fee $165. Total: $320. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $155 for 1 day and $310 for 2 days
Los Angeles, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $52 our fee $105. Total: $157. ORDER THIS PERMIT
The city may post at the next address depending on driveways and how many feet were requested. We do our best to get you close. The city of Los Angeles is responsible for posting the signs.
Lead time: 4 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city has one $52 base fee that covers up to 80 feet. Sometimes they charge an extra $40 for meter fees.
Los Vegas, NV: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $70 our fee $130. Total: $200. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5-8 Business days.
City price breakdown: For metered permits there is a base fee of $40. If there is 2 trucks or more than 2 spaces it is a higher base fee. The meters range from $8-$15 per meter, per day.
Please note: The city will only permit the areas downtown if it is metered parking or a busy area. In non metered areas we will do our best to get a permit to reserve parking space but it is the city that decides at the end of the day. Also the city does not allow permit holders to tow cars in our experience.
Louisville, KY- 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $99 our fee $150. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: The city will only the reserving of parking spaces in the downtown areas and will not tow in all the areas unless it is absolutely necessary. If you are unsure if you need a permit downtown send us an email and we will review it and let you know.
Lead time: 6 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The charges $65 per truck and around $17 per meter, per day.
Madison, WI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $54, our fee $165. Total: $219 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 Business days. (Sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: City base fee of $50 plus $2 per sign. Often times they have only charged the base fee it its a Container or Pod and just give us the signs at $2 each to post for the truck. Meters are $18 per meter, per day additional.
Manhattan Beach, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $108, our fee $190. Total: $298 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days. City cost breakdown: The $108 fee is good for 2 spaces for up to 3 days. Meters add additional cost.
Our fee includes renting placing and returning delineators from the city. This is a 2 trip process; cost included in our fee.
Menlo Park, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $124, our fee $160. Total: $309. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We most likely can only do Pods or container permits in this city as the department that does moving truck permits has been closed since COVID19 began and has never reopened. Contact us about moving trucks in Menlo Park and we will give it our best shot but no promises.
Lead time: 7 Business days. (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: The city has a base fee of $120 plus a 3% technology fee. Includes up to 2 days at this price as we understand. Parking Metered spaces may cost more.
Miami Beach, FL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $76, our fee $120. Total: $196. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 3-5 business days for metered parking areas and 7-8 business days for resident parking areas.
City Cost Breakdown: There is a $22 base application fee plus $27 per space, per day. They city may only charge the per space fee in the metered areas but they sometimes charge the fee in the metered areas and is beyond our control.
Milwaukee, WI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $110, our fee $130. Total: $240. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 9 business days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown. The city charges a $110 flat fee for most roads and streets. Major roadways increase the fee to a $155 or $199 flat fee. Metered areas are currently unknown at this time.
Note: The city will post the signs in Milwaukee.
Minneapolis, MN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $0, our fee $130. Total: $130. ORDER THIS PERMIT
City cost breakdown: The fee is generally free unless it is in a metered area. The cost is around $52.50 per meter, per day.
Lead time: 4 Business days.
Please note: The city only reserves space in metered the metered areas. They will still issue a permit a non metered parking spaces but it’s only to grant you permission to conduct the move in a safe manner with cones etc. Please understand this issue.
PODS or Container permits are difficult in Minneapolis. Contact us about Containers.
Mobile, AL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $20, our fee $130. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We can only do metered locations and will need the meter numbers to get the permit in Mobile, AL.
Lead time: 5 business days (Sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $10 per meter, per day.
Monterey, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $50, our fee $90 Total: $140 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $25 per space, per day. Metered areas may cost more.
Montgomery Co, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $60, our fee $115. Total: $175 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: Generally $30 per meter per day. Sometimes more or less.
Please note this permit is only available in metered areas and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Montreal, QB Canada (& Westmount ): 40Ft Truck. City Cost $140 our fee $130. Total $270 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Some of the boroughs are very slow at processing the permits if you give us enough lead time we are happy to try it but no promises on a short notice.
Lead time: 8-13 Business days. City cost breakdown: The city fee is free in Westmount. In some boroughs the fee is very expensive. $135 to over $200 depending which one. Parking metered areas may cost more per meter per day.
New Haven, CT: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $35, our fee $90. Total: $125 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is only offered in residential areas. The city will hang the signs but does not have proof or paperwork. They have a separate process for metered parking areas that will involved multiple trips also returning the meter bags to the city. We are willing try the metered requests for a $195 service fee but no promises. We will only charge you if we get the permit and meter bags from the city.
Lead time: 7 Business days.
City Cost: $35 for 2 parking spaces. Meters are $20 per day, per meter there could also be a base fee. The city also may count the day the meter bags are returned as an extra day of lost revenue.
Newport, KY: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $0, our fee $140. Total: $140 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 3-5 Business days. City cost: Free but metered areas may cost more per each meter taken depending which area.
Newport Beach, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day $34, Our fee $215. Total: $249 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 10 Business days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: Its a $31 base fee and $1 per sign some times the base fee can be $73 if it goes under review at the city. Meter fees range from $8-$25 per day, per meter depending on the location.
Please Note: Our fee includes renting, placing, and returning delineators or cones that the signs must be placed on as the city does not allow us to hang the signs on the polls or trees. This is a 2 trip process for an all inclusive service fee. Also please understand it is very difficult to enforce for towing cars in this city but we will do our best to follow all of the city procedures as best we can.
Norfolk, VA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $42, Our fee $130. Total: $172 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 3 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city charges a $40 base fee plus a 3.25% convenience fee. Metered areas are additional. They can range from $5-$10 per meter, per day depending on what part of the city they are located in.
North Bergen, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $20, Our fee $150. Total: $170 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: The cost is $10 per meter per day. Non metered locations are free. Most often areas that need the permits are metered locations.
Warning: The city posts the signs in North Bergen and they are not always reliable. And the city does not provide any work order or receipt for us to track it. But we will try to take a photo of the signs the night after the city posts and keep you in the loop.
Oak Park, IL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $20, Our fee $130. Total: $150 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $10 per each 25 feet of space taken. Parking metered spaces cost an additional $10 per meter per day.
Oakland, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $122, our fee $160. Total: $282 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 business days. City cost breakdown: Oakland has a fee chart for metered and non metered permits. For a one day resident parking 50 feet is $122 and 75ft is $140. For 2 days resident parking 50ft is $161 and 75ft is $201. For one day permits metered permits 25ft is $122, 50ft is $161 and 75ft is $201. For two day metered permits 25ft is $161, 50ft is $240 and 75ft is $320. Our suggestion is to try and keep it down to a one day move for 2 spaces if possible as the fee can be very expensive for extra space and days. We will try and keep the cost down unless you tell us you want extra space or days.
Requests with 5 business days or less will be an additional $35 more rush order fee.
Oklahoma City, OK: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day, City Cost $75, our fee 190 Total: $265 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is available in metered parking areas only. We also will need the meter numbers in front of the address. If you don’t have the meter numbers in Oklahoma City we may be able to get them for you but they might not be the closest ones.
Lead time: 8 business days. (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: $35 application fee with $20 per meter per day.
Omaha, NE: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $70, Our fee $130. Total: $200. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is available in metered parking areas only. Also we might need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 7 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $15 per meter generally. Some meters cost $8 per meter depending on where they are located in the city. There is also a $40 bagging fee. Last minute requests are a $80 bagging fee if the city is given less than 48 hours to install the meter hoods.
Orlando, FL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $35, Our fee $180. Total: $215. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is available in metered parking areas only. We might need the meter numbers to get the permit. We are happy to look into non metered parking spaces and may be able to get a permit but no promises.
Pods and Storage Containers: Currently not allowed in the downtown areas. Call us if it’s residential parking.
Lead Time: 6 days sometimes less. City Cost breakdown: $15 per space, per day with a $5 processing fee.
Palo Alto, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $140, Our fee $160. Total: $300. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: The city of Palo Alto can sometimes take a while getting back to us. We will do our best to get the permit in a timely manor but if possible try and give us plenty of lead time just in case.
Lead time: 7 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city of Palo Alto has 3 different types of permits issued by different departments for this purpose depending on the type of parking and what part of the city. That said it’s very difficult to estimate a accurate price. In the past permits have Ranged from $105 to $145.
Pasadena, CA: 2 spaces for a truck, One Day. City Cost $72, our fee $145. Total: $217 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: In Pasadena we can only get permits for trucks 24 feet in length, But we will get 2 solid parking spaces. These are strict Pasadena requirements.
Lead time: 3 days City Cost breakdown: Moving Permit is $68 plus $1.50 per sign plus $10 per meter per day.
Philadelphia, PA: 40ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $50, Our fee $110 Total: $160 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Business days (sometimes less) City Pricing breakdown: $50 per day per 40 feet of space.
Please note: Moving containers have a max of 5 days.
Pittsburgh, PA: 40ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $32, Our fee $150 Total: $182 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 business days (sometimes less) City Cost breakdown: $26 base fee plus $1 per sign. We typically buy 4 signs.
Portland, OR: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $150, Our fee $110. Total: $260 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 to 10 business days. City cost breakdown: Most areas that need permits are metered at a rate of $75 per metered space. Non metered spaces are $35 per space.
Portland is generally only enforceable in metered areas and the metered areas tend to be the only spots that need permits. There is a way to enforce non metered residential areas but it’s a very time consuming process. We charge an additional $260 for this enforcement of the signs and in our experience it still isn’t a guarantee the police will tow on move day even after they inspect and verify. We will post 80 feet of space for you and hope for the best in these circumstances. To tow cars you must pay the city in addition to the permit to do so.
Portland, ME: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $50, Our fee $125. Total: $175 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: The city charges $25 per space per day. (including meters)
Prince Albert, SK Canada: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $44, Our fee $160. Total: $204 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 12 business days. (sometimes less)
Please note we only offer this service in metered parking areas and will need the parking meter numbers to get the permit. Also the the city can be slow processing requests. Last minute orders might not be doable.
City cost breakdown: The city charges a $20 base fee plus $12 per meter per day.
Princeton, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $36, Our fee $120. Total: $156 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We can only do permits in the metered parking areas in Princeton and we will need the parking meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 5 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $15 per meter, per day plus a $6 processing fee.
Providence, RI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $80, Our fee: $100. Total: $180 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 days. City cost breakdown. $80 base fee. Meters are an additional $12.50 per meter.
Redwood City, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $0, Our fee: $180 Total: $180 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Business days. City cost breakdown: The city fee is free but the metered parking is $18 per meter per day.
Please note: Redwood City DOES NOT enforce the signs for towing.
Reston, VA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $72, Our fee: $150 Total: $222 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Currently we only offer this service in the metered areas but we are happy to look into non metered parking.
Lead time: 8 Business days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $3 per hour, per space taken.
Richmond, VA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0, our fee $180. Total: $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 business days. The permits are free in Richmond but we have to return the signs they give us for an extra trip. They also have never charged us in metered areas.
Rochester, NY: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $40, our fee $130. Total: $170. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: They city only issues permits in the the metered parking areas and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit. If the area is not metered we are happy to look into it and see if there is a way to get a permit but no promises.
Lead time: 5 Business days. (sometimes less)
City Cost Breakdown: They charge $20 per meter, per day. As we understand sometimes the city will charge an extra $20 per meter, per day if they meters are reserved over the weekends.
Rochester, MN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $47, our fee $130. Total: $177. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: Rochester, MN only issues permits in the downtown areas which is mostly the metered parking areas. They will issue no parking signs for some non-metered areas if it is downtown. If it’s outside the downtown area it is relaxed enforcement and no signs will be issued by the city. Also towing can be difficult. The city will always issue tickets but does not tow in all the areas of town we are told.
Lead time: 3 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges a $25 base fee plus $11 per meter, per day.
Rutherford, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $50, our fee $140. Total: $190. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 business days in advance (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $25 per meter, per day plus $1 per sign.
Please note: These permits are only available in metered areas. We also will need the meter numbers to get the permit. We also can do moving container permits allowing the containers to be left in the street overnight $25 plus our service fee.
Sacramento, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $114, our fee $130. Total: $244. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 11 business days (sometimes less). Please note: In the past the city has refused to email us the placard that goes in the truck or on the pod & have only offered to send it by mail which can take a while. We will try and get them to sent it by email but no promises.
City cost breakdown: For non metered areas there a $25 base fee plus a sign fee of $50 for the first sign & $5 for each additional sign. plus $7 per parking space, per day. For metered spaces there is a $25 base fee plus $50 for the first meter sign and $25 for each additional metered signs plus $7 per space, per day. Also there is an additional $175 fee on all requests inside 10 business days.
Salem, MA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $32, our fee $50. Total: $82. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 Business days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $15 per space, per day, plus $2 tax.
Please note: This is only in metered areas and we will need the parking meter numbers to get the permit. We can go out there and get them for a small fee.
Salt Lake City, UT: 40 feet Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $136, our fee $115. Total $245 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 days. City cost breakdown: $28 per meter per day. If not metered there is an additional $80 Barricade fee.
San Carlos, CA: 40 feet Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $101, our fee $130. Total $231 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5-7 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city charges $98 per day plus $1 per space, per day. Parking meters may cost more.
Please note: At the moment San Carlos has very limited hours of operation and is only open 3 days a week. That said we may need more lead time than normal in this city.
San Diego, CA: 40 feet Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0, our fee $140. Total $140 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: They might charge a per meter, per day fee but so far it’s always been free.
Please note: The city typically only allows us to reserve parking space in the meters areas. But we might be able to work something out with them if they allow us to post generic no parking signs but it’s not always an option. Contact us if it’s a non metered area.
San Francisco, CA: We charge a lower fee for moving companies that order with us regularly.
MOVERS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $332, our fee $100. Total: $432. ORDER THIS PERMIT
INDIVIDUALS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $332, our fee $115. Total: $447. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 days. 4-7 days lead time are and additional $40 more for Rush orders but the city can refuse late orders. Date changes if approved will cost additional $105.
San Francisco is credit card only. (call us about invoicing)
City cost breakdown: City has a $320 base fee. Meter fees are an additional $17 per meter per day
Our Movers discount fee only applies to residential moves.
San Jose, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $52, our fee $160. Total: $212 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 Business days. Sometimes less.
City cost breakdown: $48 base fee plus $4 signs fee.
Please note: We often have had issues enforcing the signs for towing cars in this city. We will do our best to document all that we do as proof we have done everything correctly on our end. But sometimes San Jose authorities can be very reluctant to tow cars.
San Mateo, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $10, our fee $150. Total: $159 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Days.
City cost breakdown: The city charges us $3 per sign plus tax and we normally buy 3 of them. Metered areas may cost more.
Please note: The signs in San Mateo are unenforceable meaning you can not tow if cars if they park in the reserved spaces. We will hang extra space if needed. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Santa Barbara, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $50, our fee $140. Total: $190 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4-5 days City cost breakdown: generally the city charges $25 per space per day.
Santa Monica, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $76, our fee $145. Total: $221 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 2-3 Days City cost breakdown: The city base fee is $73 plus $1 per sign. (We normally buy 3 signs)
Enforceability is very difficult in Santa Monica. The police must approve the signs for towing and are not always available. The city does not always approve them for towing. Very difficult but we will do our best. Santa Monica allows 40 feet only. Call us if you are bringing a truck over 40 feet as the city will require us to apply for an oversized load permit in addition to the moving permit. Our fee is per permit. We ask for 5 business days for an oversized load permit. Contact us if over 40 feet to go over costs and process or if you are familiar with the process send us your route map and forms with your certificate of liability insurance naming the city as additionally insured and we will take it from there.
Saskatoon, SK: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $140, our fee $120. Total: $260. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is only available in the metered parking areas. We might need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 8 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $75 base fee plus $35 per meter per day. The university parking areas are $30 per meter, per day.
Sausalito, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $154, our fee $230. Total: $384. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $150 base fee plus $2 per signs. Sometimes the base fee has been $75 and $2 per sign but we estimate the higher fee in the price.
Please note: The signs are not enforceable for towing in this city. This is a time consuming process with more travel time than normal so our fee is a little higher on this city.
Savannah, GA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $95, our fee $210. Total: $305. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 10 business days. (sometimes less).
City Cost Breakdown: There is a $45 Application fee plus a $50 Barricade Rental fee. Metered parking areas may cost more.
Please note: We must return the barricades after the move is completed making this 2 trips. We include the 2nd trip in our service fee.
Seattle, WA: We charge a lower fee for moving companies that order with us regularly.
MOVERS: 60Ft Truck, 1-2 days. City Cost $16, our fee $74 + Barricades fee $85 Total: $175 ORDER THIS PERMIT
INDIVIDUALS: 60Ft Truck, 1-2 days. City Cost $16, our fee $84 + Barricades fee $85 Total: $185 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 Business days. 2 days in metered locations City cost breakdown: The city charges $16 per each 2 days and allows up to 100 feet of parking space (5 spaces) if needed. The meters can range from $50 to $140 of additional fees depending on what part of the city they are located in some parts of the city the meters are exceedingly more expensive. Typically the closer to downtown part of the city the more they cost. We do not have a way of determining the meter costs.
Barricade fee: We charge $85 to place barricades and verify enforcement with the city. Includes up to 3 barricades. We will charge $25 more for 80-100 feet requests as we use more barricades.
Please note: To legally tow cars parked in the permitted spot the barricades need to be placed 72 hours (3 full days) in advance. We will move forward with late requests placing barricades. Customers will be responsible for any illegally towed vehicles. In other words with late requests we will place the barricades hoping the cars will move but if they do not move NO TOWING. In Metered areas they need to be placed 24 hours 2 days in advance for enforcement.
Sherman Oaks, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $52 our fee $90. Total: $142. ORDER THIS PERMIT
The city may post at the next address depending on driveways and how many feet were requested. We do our best to get you close. The city of Los Angeles is responsible for posting the signs.
Lead time: 4 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city has one $52 base fee that covers up to 80 feet. Sometimes they charge an extra $40 for meter fees.
Signal Hill, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $25 our fee $130. Total: $155. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 business days. (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: $25 base fee for up to 7 days this includes both the Pods and Moving van fees. Metered areas may cost more.
Please note: The city does not have signs but rather lets us post our own generic signs. We can not promise they will enforce them for towing but we will do our best to do everything the city instructs us to do and hope for the best.
St. Louis, MO: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $20, our fee $180. Total: $200. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 business days City cost breakdown: $20 base fee for non metered. Meters are $25 base fee plus $10 per meter.
St. Paul, MN: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $28, our fee $130. Total: $158. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $7 per space in resident parking spaces and $14 per space in downtown parking areas. Parking metered areas can range from $25 to $28 per meter, per day additional depending on the location and rates.
Please note: In some of the downtown parking areas we may need a certificate of liability insurance naming the city as additionally insured. This has rarely been the case and we will give you a heads up if this is required.
St. Petersburg, FL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $20, our fee $130. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $10 per space, per day.
Please note: The city will hang the signs & they do not provide us paperwork. It is our understanding that the city will not tow cars but will only ticket them if people park cars in the reserved spaces.
Stamford, CT: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $20 our fee $120. Total: $200. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Business days. City cost breakdown: $10 per meter per day.
Please note: This permit is only available in metered areas only and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Studio City, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $52 our fee $90. Total: $142. ORDER THIS PERMIT
The city may post at the next address depending on driveways and how many feet were requested. We do our best to get you close. The city of is responsible for posting the signs.
Lead time: 4 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city has one $52 base fee that covers up to 80 feet. Sometimes they charge an extra $40 for meter fees.
Silver Spring, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $60, our fee $120. Total: $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note this permit is available in metered areas only and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 6-9 business days. City cost breakdown: Generally it’s $30 per meter.
South San Francisco, CA: 40Ft Truck, One day. City Cost $60, our fee $120 Total:$190. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We only offer this service in the metered areas and may need the meter numbers to get the permit. The residential areas have cost well over $300 and generally have not been needed in many areas. We are happy to take a look and help you get a permit in the residential locations if you wish.
Lead time: 5 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city charges $35 per meter, per day.
Spokane, WA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $30, our fee: $50. Total: $80. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 business days. City cost: The city charges $15 per meter, per day.
Please note: At the moment we only offer this service in metered parking areas.
Summit, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $50, our fee: $120. Total: $170. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note this permit is available in metered areas only and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 7 days (sometimes less). City cost breakdown: $25 per meter, per day.
Tacoma, WA: 40Ft Truck, One day. City Cost $96, our fee $90 + Barricades fee $85. Total: $271 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 Days (sometimes less if they are not short staffed)
City cost breakdown: 48 per space, per day. There may be additional fees in metered areas. Barricades are an additional $85.
Takoma Park, MD: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0, our fee $150. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The signs we pick up and post from the city are free. However parking metered areas may cost more.
Please note: If it’s in a metered area we may need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Tampa, FL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost 85$, our fee $90. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 6 Business days (sometimes less)
City Cost breakdown: $15 base fee plus 10 times the hour meter parking rate per each meter. Non metered spaces are $5. For example if the meters cost $3 an hour the meter fee will be $30 per meter.
Please note: We will need the meter numbers and zone number. We can send someone out for an additional fee if we have enough lead time.
Topeka, KS: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $12, our fee $130. Total: $142. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The price is $6 per meter, per day.
Please note: This permit is only available in metered parking areas. We will also need the meter numbers in order to get the permit from the city. Also the city of Topeka does not tow cars but will ticket people at $150 per each car in violation.
Toronto, ON: PODS ONLY. 20ft Pod, One day. City Cost $66, our fee $130. Total $196 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: It can sometimes take 15 days in advance if it is downtown Toronto/East York. Other nearby areas, Etobicoke York, North York & Scarborough can range from 4 to 10 business days. We will do our best.
Please note: This permit does not include reserving parking it only allows the containers to be dropped and left in the street. For an additional fee we are happy to place some cones/signs out to help secure the spot. Also while there is no moving truck permits we can get a permit to temporary park a vehicle for 20 feet one space for up to 7 days for 39.58 city fee plus our fee of $90.
City cost breakdown: $65.08 per day.
Traverse City, MI: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $30, our fee $120. Total: $150. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is only available in metered areas only and we will need the meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 5 Business days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: $15 per meter, per day.
Tucson, AZ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost: $50, our fee: $150. Total: $200. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 Business days (sometimes less).
City cost breakdown: $25 per meter per day. Normal parking is $25 per day. There is also a $20 rush fee for last requests plus additional $20 if the city has to work outside its normal business hours. These permits may not be available in all areas of the city.
Union City, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $20, our fee $150. Total: $180 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The signs are free. Metered areas are $10 per meter (meters are common)
Warning: The city posts the signs in Union City and they are not always reliable. And the city does not provide any work order or receipt for us to track it. But we will try to take a photo of the signs the night after the city posts and keep you in the loop.
Urbana, IL: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $50, our fee $100. Total: $150 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We can only reserve space in the metered parking areas downtown or on the Campus. We might need the meter numbers to get the permit. Sometimes we have found ways of getting them for customers.
Lead time: 3 Business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The meter fees can range from $10 to $25 per meter per day depending on how much lead time we give the city where the meter is located.
Vancouver, BC Canada: 40Ft Moving Truck, City Cost, $132 our fee $120. Total: $252. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 8 business days (sometimes less).
City cost breakdown: Resident areas the city has a flat fee of $141. Metered areas the city charges $60 bagging fee plus the hourly meter rate for the time taken which can range from $1 to $6 per hour. Most areas that need permit are in metered areas. We will need to get the meter numbers. We will charge an additional $30 to get the meter numbers if they are not provided.
Please note: Vehicles parked in the permit spaces before the city hangs the signs can not be towed only cars parked after can be towed. This is out of our control.
Venice, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $52 our fee $90. Total: $142. ORDER THIS PERMIT
The city may post at the next address depending on driveways and how many feet were requested. We do our best to get you close. The city of is responsible for posting the signs.
Lead time: 4 Business days.
City cost breakdown: The city has one $52 base fee that covers up to 80 feet. Sometimes they charge an extra $40 for meter fees.
Walnut Creek. CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost, $8 our fee $160. Total: $168. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $2 per sign. Parking meters can range from $10 to $20 per meter, per day extra depending on where in the city they are located.
Please note: Walnut Creek at this time does not have or allow permits for Pods or Moving Containers.
Washington, DC: We charge a lower fee for moving companies that order with us regularly.
MOVERS: 40Ft Moving Truck One day. City Cost $57 our fee $105 (Movers Fee) Total: $162 ORDER THIS PERMIT INDIVIDUALS: 40Ft Moving Truck One day. City Cost $57 our fee $115 Total: $172 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 4 full days City cost breakdown: $55 base fee includes 2 days max. Meters cost an additional $30-$48 per meter.
Additional charges: Reposting fallen signs we charge $45 To change dates after the permit is completed we charge $50 this is not always doable and is a difficult process but we will try our best in these cases and in the end it is up to the city.
Rush orders: Any order submitted 4 days in advance or less will be an extra $20 rush order fee.
Important info: If metered let us know the meter numbers of the location. If you do not know them this could effect enforcement of the signs. We will go forward without them if you do not provide the meter numbers. The signs need to be posted 72 hours in advance in resident areas to be enforceable for towing. The city will normally issue the permit if it is late but will not enforce for towing. We will proceed with any late requests assuming that you understand this limitation. Metered areas are 24 hours in advance for enforcement. The permits are 2 days maximum. If you need 3-4 days in a row it will be 2 permits and will be double the cost both the city fee and our fee will be charged twice. If you order 3 days or more we will assume you understand this. Permits as we understand are not enforceable for towing on Sundays in DC. The permits do NOT overrule street cleaning regulations and it is still possible to get ticketed/towed during street cleaning. We will not review the street cleaning schedule before we apply. We will do our best to get your permit enforced for towing with the city but can not guarantee enforcement as it is a multiple department process and often they can be difficult or unresponsive.
Moving Containers info: The cities container permit only allows 22 feet of space. basically one parking space. We understand this can be difficult for some of the containers like PODS that load off the rear of the truck and need the extra space for dropping the container. Let us know what type of container and we will do our best to post the signs so that the container can be dropped and picked up as easily as possible. The cities cost for a container permit is $55 and includes up to 5 days in a row.
Weehawken, NJ: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $0 our fee $145. Total $145 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5 days (sometimes less) City cost breakdown: Signs are free. Meter fees might apply.
The city of Weehawken does not tow cars rather they ticket cars illegally parked in the permitted area.
West Hollywood, CA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One day. City Cost $10 our fee $150. Total $160 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Only one day permits are available in West Hollywood. They are strict on this rule.
Lead time: 5 Days. City cost breakdown: $10 is the base fee and covers the permit meters are an additional $25 per meter.
West New York, NJ: 40 Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $0 our fee $120. Total: $120 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 7 days City cost breakdown: This permit is free but meter charges may apply.
Warning: The city posts the signs in West New York and they are not always reliable. And the city does not provide any work order or receipt for us to track it. But we will try to take a photo of the signs the night after the city posts and keep you in the loop.
West Palm Beach, FL: 40 Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $40 our fee $130. Total: $170 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This service is only available in the metered parking areas in West Palm Beach and we will need the exact meter numbers to get the permit.
Lead time: 5 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges a $20 per meter, per day charge.
Wilks Barre, PA: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $40 our fee $140 Total: $180 ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: We only offer this service in the metered parking areas. It’s best you give us the meter numbers but if not we should be able to get them for you. If it’s not metered parking we may be able to work something out but no promises.
Lead time: 6 business days (sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $20 per meter, per day.
Wilmington, DE: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $16 our fee $170 Total: $186. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 3 Days City cost breakdown: $16 includes the permit and signs.
Wilmington, NC: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost $100 our fee $120 Total: $220. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Lead time: 5-6 Business days (Sometimes less)
City cost breakdown: The city charges $50 per meter, per day.
Please note: We can only do the metered parking areas in Wilmington, NC and we might need the parking meter numbers to get the permit.
Yonkers, NY: 40Ft Moving Truck, One Day. City Cost: $50 our fee $130. Total: $180. ORDER THIS PERMIT
Please note: This permit is only available in the metered parking areas and we may need the meter numbers. Yonkers, NY does not tow cars rather they only issue tickets to cars that violate the parking restriction. The city will bag the meters.
Lead time: 5 Business days. (Sometimes less). City cost breakdown: The city charges $25 per meter per day.